Rodrigo García-Muñoz Vaquero was born in A Coruña (Spain) in 1967. A law graduate and economics teacher, his true passion has always been military history. He collaborates with the newspaper ABC and various magazines and youtube channels specialised in military history. Co-author of La larga guerra del siglo XX (The Long War of the 20th Century) (Madrid: ABC, 2014) and Cementerio de gigantes. Afganistán y su turbulenta historia (Graveyard of Giants. Afghanistan and Its Turbulent History) (Zaragoza: HRM, 2022), his work Grecia, la última victoria de la Blitzkrieg (Greece, the Last Victory of the Blitzkrieg) (Zaragoza: HRM, 2017) now sees the light in English in an expanded and updated version.