AUSA Member Discount

Casemate is pleased to offer Association of the United States Army Members 25% off print copies of all titles that we release as part of the AUSA Book Program. Use the code AUSA in your shopping cart to activate your discount.  E-Books are not eligible for this discount.

The Battle of Bong Son

Operation Masher/White Wing, 1966


Gavin at War

The World War II Diary of Lieutenant General James M. Gavin


The High Ground

Leading in Peace and War


Black Hearts and Painted Guns

A Battalion's Journey into Iraq's Triangle of Death


Standing Tall

Leadership Lessons in the Life of a Soldier


Nazis on the Potomac

The Top-Secret Intelligence Operation that Helped Win World War II



The Battle of Kham Duc


Home Run

Allied Escape and Evasion in World War II


The Freedom Shield

The 191st Assault Helicopter Company in Vietnam


The Green Berets in the Land of a Million Elephants

U.S. Army Special Warfare and the Secret War in Laos 1959-74


No Greater Love

The Story of Michael Crescenz, Philadelphia’s Only Medal of Honor Recipient of the Vietnam War


The Good Captain

A Personal Memoir of America at War



5-73 CAV and Their Fight for Iraq's Diyala River Valley


Sharpen Your Bayonets

A Biography of Lieutenant General John Wilson “Iron Mike” O’Daniel, Commander, 3rd Infantry Division in World War II


The Blackhorse in Vietnam

The 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment in Vietnam and Cambodia, 1966–1972


Blackhorse Tales

Stories of 11th Armored Cavalry Troopers at War


Breaching the Summit

Leadership Lessons from the U.S. Military's Best


Anzio Nettuno

A Battle of Leadership Mistakes


Retreat through the Rhone Valley

Defensive battles of the Nineteenth Army, August–September 1944


Rome to the Po River

The 362nd Infantry Division, 1944–45


Counter-Strike Operations

Combat Examples and Leadership Principles of Mobile Defence



From Cotentin to Falaise, June–July 1944


Panzer Tactics

Tank Operations in the East, 1941-42


General Erich Hoepner

A Military Biography


Arctic Front

The Advance of Mountain Corps Norway on Murmansk, 1941



The Struggle of Battle Group Dietl in the Spring of 1940



The Advance of Panzer Group 4, 1941


On to Stalingrad

Operation Winter Thunderstorm and the attempt to relieve Sixth Army, December 1942


Operation Crusader

Tank Warfare in the Desert, Tobruk 1941



German Operations in France 1940


The Battle of Korsun-Cherkassy

The Encirclement and Breakout of Army Group South, 1944


Panzer Operations

Germany's Panzer Group 3 During the Invasion of Russia, 1941


The Battle of the Dnepr

The Red Army's Forcing of the East Wall, September-December 1943


The Battle of Kursk

The Red Army's Defensive Operations and Counter-Offensive, July-August 1943


The Battle of Moscow 1941-42

The Red Army's Defensive Operations and Counter Offensive along the Moscow Strategic Direction


Budapest Operation

An Operational-Strategic Study


Operation Bagration

23 June-29 August 1944. The Rout of the German Forces in Belorussia


Prelude to Berlin

The Red Army's Offensive Operations in Poland and Eastern Germany, 1945



The Red Army's Winter Offensive along the Southwestern Strategic Direction, 1942-43
